2016 Goals revisited



Quilting ufos to be completed and what needs to be done  The goal is to finish one per month

  1. Circus    due 1/15               appliques cut n sewn,  assembling, quilting
  2. tumbling blocks – blue     quilting
  3. baby block – black             quilting
  4. turtles                                  quilting
  5. heirloom                             quilting
  6. fishing    due 8/1               appliques cut and sewn  assembling,s quilting
  7. storm at sea                       quilting
  8. tell it to the stars              borders.    quilting
  9. mittens                               1 block, borders, quilting
  10. BH king size quilt             skirting, quilting
  11. sunbonnets                        quilting
  12. sunbonnets 2                     assembling, quilting

New quilts I want to make:

  1. http://twosistersandaquilt.com/  These are snowman Block of month
  2. http://www.seamstobesew.com/polls-fixed-and-new-previews-of-sue-and-sam/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+seamstobesew%2FUceh+%28Seams+To+Be+Sew+News%29    another sunbonnet quilt Block of the month
  3. 2 “warm wishes” quilts for charity   on line pattern
  4. shop hop tote that I acquired the kit for in 2005
  5. child’s teddy bear with piping  pattern
  6. “Frost’s alter ego”” pattern
  7. “Gift wrap”  pattern
  8. “rob Peter to pay Paul’   GO cutter
  9. “drunkards path”  GO cutter
  10. an owl quilt   GO cutter
  11. choose a book and make a quilt from it
  12. “twinkle little tree” pattern

That should handle the quilting,     I have spoken for the Cormo sheep, not sure yet how many, 6-10

For sewing the plan is 2 doll dresses per month, plus we need placemats for 10 months and I like a set of 4. My goal is to make them one month ahead of need.  So I will start these in February   I  plan to make a couple “Bendy Bags” and “run around  bags” as well as a bolts worth (about 130) of purple baby hats for the hospital.  Then there is a request for the microwave bowl holder for gifts.

I am doing the yahoo groups knit along wash cloth which is monthly.   They offer 2, but I’ll be happy to get one done each month.   I also have enough yarn to do at least 10 pair of socks.  If I can squeak them in here, I’d like to do a couple crocheted baby blankets as well.

So these are my 2016 craft goals.    What are yours?   I’d love to hear them.




6 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for linking up! I wish you a joyous 2016 and much success as you work to finish your projects and goals in the new year.

  2. jatshaw says:

    You are going to be very busy!

  3. Liz A. says:

    good for you! I should make a list of what I want/need to accomplish but, then I’d just be angry at myself for not accomplishing any of it…..

    Hope all is well with you–I’m hoping to make it over there for Sew Expo if the weather cooperates….

    • sharon says:

      Would love to see you again. Make the list, but make it small pieces and if you miss a piece, don’t beat up on yourself. You could decide to do a quilt, but put your goals as 1. cut it out, sew blocks, put blocks tog etc. My list that I want to accomplish each year would take 3 years to do it. Even so, I get so much more done with those lists.