This is sock pair #9 for this year. I chose another of my self striping yarns so I could knit while in the car. Also, because there is just so much going on that I need something that doesn’t take thinking. Today I used the pressure cooker again and I don’t leave the kitchen while using it or I may become distracted and bad things could happen. So I knit in the kitchen.
I did the cuff on this pair last month and then decided to make the purple pair instead. So I started Friday with the cuff already done and have been working on them in the car and in the kitchen. They will be my take along pair.
Other than the 2 hours spent walking my Fitbit steps, taking water to the bees, picking tomatoes, roasting a pan of cherry tomatoes, picking and freezing raspberries. freezing three trays of bananas and canning one load, I’m straining to remember what I did. Why does everything take so long? Not one of these was a big job.
Oh, yes, I selected fabrics for the scarf part of the “Knitters Gifts” quilt and will press them later this week. I prepared the pattern as it is a paper piecing pattern, and worked a bit on pillowcases, but didn’t actually finish any Perhaps that is why it seems I don’t get enough done, because I work on several projects instead of just one. I do so want to get back to embroidering. Patience, summer is only for anther month.
This is my vacation week. I will be using it for family time I made a potato salad for our picnic with Kati and Zach tomorrow. It’s really too bad we’ll all be involved in the activity without anyone to take photos. They are going to try to teach me to kayak. I am going to try, but I have no thoughts of being able to accomplish this. I may be spending a lot of time in the water. And I ‘m quite sure this will look very funny to others
Then the next two or 2.5 days, our Boston grandson will be here and we will be enjoying the Seattle Science Center with the three grandsons and a couple of our children. Our children so enjoyed it when they were young, maybe still do. I haven’t been there in a long time. Yes, summer is nearly over and the boys will be back in school and every activity available.