


Pumpkin head #2

Pumpkin head #2 is now ready to be embroidered and quilted.  I think I should find a little black cat and a embroider a spider to finish them off.   But finishing them may not happen this year.   I may pin one of them on the wall just for decoration just like he is this year.

When putting together the applique pieces, I laid an applique pressing sheet over the pattern.  It is a white “Teflon” type of plastic through which one can see the pattern.   I press Steam-a-Seam on the back of the fabric I will be cutting out and after removing the paper, press it over the pattern picture.   I assemble the entire block on the pressing sheet and press.   I then carefully lift it off and over to the backing I have previously prepared.   In this way, I can see the image on the pattern for placement and if I put something down incorrectly, it is easy to move on this sheet.   Hope this explanation helps those of you who aren’t confident in placement.

I am done with this pattern now, and if more than one of you would like it, let me know and at the end of the week, I can draw names.  He is a cute little fellow.   But 2 are enough.

Still waiting to hear, but I think that my daughter’s in-laws may have a lot of water in their house in Florida.

2 Responses

  1. Pumpkinhead #2 is a cutie too! If you leave them just the way they are, they span a season – adding black cats and spiders confines them to one day a year.
    Thanks for the explanation of your process. I’ve heard of the pressing sheets, but had no idea how easy they make the process!
    Hope your DD’s in-laws are safe – houses can be rebuilt – mementos may be lost, but lives were spared. (Easy for me to say – never lived through any kind of natural disaster…)

  2. Dar in Mo says:

    Mr Pumpkinhead is real cute. If I had more time I would make me one, but right now my plate is a bit too full. :) I have done several applique blocks that way with the pressing sheets too. Someone way back in my quilting history clued me in when I was just starting out. In fact, my 2nd quilt was an applique baby quilt which I loved so much I still have it. lol Was waiting for a baby in our family which never happened.